By Polly O’Neal
Photo by Emma Romick
Our culture is moving towards a place that encourages individuals to be themselves and do whatever it is that makes them happy, especially in regards to fashion. Newer generations are exhausted from feeling forced to dress, act or behave in a manner forced upon them and are therefore changing the trajectory of the society we live in. This shift in attitude should be embraced.
However, it is important to be aware of the hypocrisy that exists within this mindset.
When you see someone with an outfit that is unique, creative and most likely thrifted, it is easy to accept and admire that they are being themselves. Yet when you see someone wearing a pair of pants that circled TikTok a couple of months ago paired with a crop top that you’ve seen on a rack at Urban Outfitters one too many times, it is easy to label that individual as “basic” or “unoriginal.” But what if their choices are just as profound to their personal style as the thrifted outfit? Just because someone's outfit is uber trendy or looks similar to outfits you have seen before does not mean that this individual is not dressing according to their own personal style.
Some people just happen to prefer things that the majority seems to like, and that is perfectly okay!
There is no reason to shame others for what they enjoy whether that be an outfit that is crazy creative or as “basic” as it gets. So if you love that one patterned skirt that you’ve been seeing around campus, get it! Nobody should have to feel embarrassed or guilty for the style that they are drawn to. It is worth the intentionality of keeping some opinions on various clothing choices to ourselves in order to let others enjoy what simply makes them happy.