Do Aesthetics Eliminate The Ability to Branch Out?
By Lyric Chassin
Image by Ava McDonald
A few weeks ago I was talking with one of my close friends about different clothing items we wanted to buy, and my friend was gushing about a pair of shoes she has been obsessed with for years. I asked her why she never bought them if she wanted them so bad and she replied with: “It doesn’t match my aesthetic.”
Oftentimes, society will group different styles and ideas into their own aesthetics and entities with little to no crossover.
When someone finds one thing they like, the other aspects of the aesthetic will usually follow. In turn, society places tight labels on these aesthetics. You can’t describe a person’s outfit without hearing words like “emo,” “indie,” “hippie,” and “basic” being used as nouns.
Because of this, people start to expect certain things. You wear something one day, it makes sense for you to wear something similar the next. This leads people to stay within the lines and the bounds of their aesthetics to avoid people questioning them and their decisions.
Even on social media influencers find a niche market and portray themselves in a way that people will accept and identify with. Brands work with influencers and incorporate them into their marketing and advertising. The idea that you have to dress a certain way in order to fit into society is continuously imprinted in our minds, leaving no room for any unique thinking.
Just like my friend was too afraid to jump out of her comfort zone, so many people all over the world have immersed themselves in pop culture to the same extent. All decisions are made based on society's perception and not personal desires.
You are the only person who can define who you are.
The labels that society places on people for dressing or looking a certain way are exactly that--labels. It makes it easier for people to ignore what they are unfamiliar with instead of embracing all of the different ways we can express ourselves through fashion.
Aesthetics are just general categories, they are not guidelines for what you can and cannot wear. Just because people don’t usually wear a specific clothing item with another does not mean you can’t pair them together. Trying new things is so important when it comes to self exploration and expression.
As we grow and learn more about ourselves and our personalities, our horizons broaden.
Take this expansion as an opportunity to face the strange and take risks within yourself. If it interests you and makes you happy, why would you not do it?
Even as society's ideals change over time, it is more important than anything to put yourself first. There will always be more trends, more aesthetics, and more categories to fit into. The longer you allow yourself to be influenced by what society wants to see, the less time you have to truly be yourself.