
By Rich Stone

Image by Elle Wappes

On a stroll through New York streets, you are guaranteed to find a variety of the latest fashion trends. The shoes of a person can show a lot about their style, from functional to strictly fashionable. A recent favorite is the elegant, elevated platform sneakers. Chunked soles of casual and dress shoes boast extra inches and stand out in the crowd. Popularized in the last 3 years, anything with more than an inch offers a unique look. Where did this strange trend come from, what defines it, and should it be on your Christmas list? 

Buffalo London has had popular versions of this style stemming from the steam punk influences of the 90’s. Balenciaga footwear is often the first noted to incorporate the larger sole in streetwear design. Converse, Doc Martens, and even Vans are some brands that are popularizing platforms by adding chunks to their classic designs. It seems as if this style was picked up from global influence as well. International fashion hotspots such as Milan, Buenos Aires, and Beijing have been sporting these in the last decade. Recently TikTok has aided in the spread through the US, a place where fashion does not rule the culture the same way. 

Everyone wants to be a little bit taller.

With these shoes you can grow three to five inches taller and be more comfortable, all while acquiring a uniquely fashionable look. They create the optical illusion of longer legs which has been a sought after beauty standard for as long as we can remember. Heels have been used for centuries by women to try to obtain this effect. They're impracticality and over sexualization has been acknowledged in recent years and has led to the rise of chunkers. These shoes are highly popular among models and stylists looking to add an edge to their clients. The most incredible thing about this style is the flexibility. They come in boots, casual wear, nightwear, etc. The chunkiness separates them from the classic styles and makes them more versatile to wear; they aren’t just regular shoes. Dressing them up or down is one of the other many attractive features of these ‘chunker’ boots. Often I’ve seen people with athletic style chunky shoes and an elegant outfit. Likewise, a pair of boots could be paired with edgy leisurewear. 

The draw of these is the high comfort and also the edgy look they give.

They are an example of footwear pushing the boundaries and those who wear them express this. Most popularly found in black, any outfit could use a pair of platforms to spice up a look. Adding a few inches along with the comfort makes them a literal boost for any night out. Their popularity has spread from designer brands to smaller, local brands and can be found for an affordable price on a variety of websites. Some of our favorite brands are Naked Wolfe, Demonias, and Jefferey Campbell. 

This style fits for anyone looking for a confidence boost and a shoe that stands out from the rest. Ditching the classics for something a bit less mainstream and a little more bold always feels good. Chunkers are comfortable and striking. There is little chance of seeing them on your average joe.


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