Is Individuality a Trend?

By Sloane Byrd

Throughout the past few years, social media has had a major impact on our actions, our lifestyles, and of course our dress. There have been many instances of this, like the trend of fuller lips or the clean eating movement where everything is plant-based. As for fashion, there have been many cases of micro trends such as alternative or Y-2K that have been plastered all over sites like TikTok and Instagram. Though all of these trends influence different parts of our lives, they all have one thing in common which is how we portray ourselves to the world.

Self-image has always been important, but now that society has a “guide” known as the internet, it is very easy to rely on what’s in and what’s not. The issue that has come from this is the problem of looking like everyone else. This result is the “trend” of individuality. Recently everyone has been trying to fit the narrative of doing things and wearing things that haven’t been done recently or before. The only problem is that it is then posted onto some form of social media and the cycle of a trend is started all over again. This brings me to the question of “Are we all different or are we all just the same?”

Personally, I have faced the same dilemma of wanting to be different or unique and have tried for years to succeed.

As of recently, I have grown tired of trying to force something that honestly doesn’t need to be. I feel that individuality thrives the most when you are simply not trying and just going with the flow of wearing things or doing things just because you like to, not because you feel that you must. Forcing yourself to be an individual puts you in as much of a mold as following trends does; that’s at least what I have learned. So, if you feel the same way I did at one point or if anything resonates with you, no matter how cliche it may sound -- just remember you are the most authentic and individual version of yourself when it comes naturally.


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